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Weekly Fishing Insights - 05-17-2024


Welcome to our vibrant Fish Whisper community's weekly fishing insights! With water temperatures creating ideal conditions in the high 60s, our angling friends have been reeling in some impressive catches. Let's dive into this week's detailed fishing report from our favorite spots:

James River Pier

Anglers at James River Pier have been greeted by a bustling underwater world, with croakers and roundheads making a frequent appearance. The spot, and trout have been a delightful catch, showcasing their vibrant colors against the shimmering water surface. Notably, the elusive flounder have been making a splash alongside their drum counterparts, with both red and black varieties being caught. The pier has been a symphony of fishing lines and excitement, with each catch telling its own story of the river's abundance.

Ocean View Pier

The Ocean View Pier has been a theatre of the sea lately, with the dramatic entrance and exit of Spanish mackerel and blues. The red and black drum have been playing hide and seek, providing anglers with both challenges and triumphs. The flounder have been found gliding along the flats, with a few noteworthy catches that have become the talk of the pier. The pier's atmosphere has been charged with anticipation, as each angler hopes for that next big catch.

James T Wilson Pier

At the James T Wilson Pier, the cobia have been putting on a show, reminding us that while they can't be kept until June 15th, the thrill of the catch is a reward in itself. Doug Terry's success with the Spanish mackerel this week has been inspiring, showcasing the pier's diversity. The flounder have been a consistent presence, with a few standouts that have raised eyebrows. For those who favor the nocturnal dance of blues and trout, the night time under the pier's lights has been the place to be. While the drum have been more elusive, the few that have been caught have only added to the pier's legendary status.

Fort Monroe Piers

The Fort Monroe Piers have become a stronghold for those pursuing the spirited blues and Spanish mackerel. The spot croaker have been a steady catch, while the rocks have remained a hotspot for drum enthusiasts, with the speckled trout joining the mix and adding to the excitement. The community spirit is palpable here, as shared stories of the day's triumphs echo off the water.

As we reflect on this week's fishing adventures, we're reminded of the connection we share with the water and its inhabitants. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting out, there's always something new to discover and a story to be told. Join us next week for more updates, and until then, keep casting and sharing your passion for fishing.

Remember, "Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught." Share and watch fishing adventures on our Video Library, and join the conversation on our Message Board. Until next time, may your lines be tight and your stories grand!