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Best Practices for Targeting Drum Fish in Summer - Piers, Tides, and Baits

Welcome to the warm currents of summer fishing, where the drum fish become the prized catch for anglers like you. At Fish Whisper, we're all about sharing insights and fostering a connection among our fishing community. Let's dive into the best strategies to make your summer drum fishing excursions both successful and memorable.

Choosing the Right Piers

Finding the perfect pier is like discovering a hidden treasure trove where drum fish thrive. Opt for piers with deep water access and plenty of structures, such as pilings, submerged rocks, and artificial reefs, which provide excellent hiding spots for drum. Look for piers near estuaries and inlets, as the mixture of fresh and saltwater can attract a diverse range of prey species. Remember, these fish love to lurk around obstacles, so the more complex the underwater landscape, the better your chances.

Understanding Tides

The ebb and flow of tides play a pivotal role in drum fishing. During the summer, focus on fishing during the outgoing tides. This is when drum fish actively feed as the receding water pulls baitfish and crustaceans out from the shallows. Keep an eye on the tide charts and plan your trips around these prime tidal movements. Understanding the timing and strength of local tides can significantly increase your success rate.

Selecting the Best Baits

  • Live shrimp - a favorite for drum fish.
  • Crabs - especially effective during molting seasons.
  • Minnows - mimic small fish drum prey upon.
  • Bloodworms - an irresistible treat for drum.

If you're using artificial lures, opt for those that mimic the movement and appearance of these natural baits. During the heat of summer, scented baits can also be a game-changer, attracting drum from afar. Experiment with both live and artificial options to see what the drum in your area prefer.

Advanced Techniques for Summer Drum Fishing

  • Bottom bouncing - let your bait drift along the sea floor to attract drum.
  • Surf fishing - best during cooler early morning or late evening hours.
  • Observation of prey behavior - provides clues to drum feeding grounds.

Pay attention to the behavior of baitfish and other predators, as this can give you clues about where the drum are feeding.


Summer brings the heat, and with it, the thrilling challenge of drum fishing. By choosing the right piers, understanding the tides, selecting the best baits, and employing advanced techniques, you're setting yourself up for an epic season. Don't forget to share your adventures and insights with the Fish Whisper community - where every story adds to the collective wisdom of our angler family. Tight lines and happy fishing!